Friday, March 13, 2015

astonishing art with a ballpoint pen

Milton Lozada is an artist that I recently discovered. He works as a tattoo artist out of Florida and creates astonishingly beautiful artwork with a ballpoint pen.

This is a link to his instagram and I highly encourage you to check out some of his work:

Milton Lozada

Milton Lozada

Milton Lozada


  1. It's hard to believe that those breathtaking designs were created with a ballpoint pen. I'm not and never have been artistically inclined but if I could choose one skill I wish I had it'd be art. Thanks for sharing such a talented artist!

  2. You're welcome! It's always fun stumbling through the internet and finding new and interesting art/artists!

  3. It takes skill to do work like this will a ballpoint pen. I have one drawing done in ballpoint pen and it was tricky to get all of the shading right on it!

  4. I am definitely not as skilled in the ballpoint arts, but I do think I doodle a mean cowboy cartoon figure. This artist has incredible talent!
